Our set-up & run charges vary, depending on the items. The plastic desk items are printed digitally. So there is only one setup charge of $45g to run a multi-colored imprint, and NO additional color run charges. However, a second side, will incur another set-up charge.* Our fabric items, as well as our drinkware items are screen printed and additional ink colors are .30g. Set-ups are on a per color/per location basis and will be $45g each. Some of our drinkware is limited to a one color imprint.

We offer FREE virtual mock-ups! Chhhyeeaa! You should take advantage of this, they really help sell these goodies. We create nice clean layouts, focused on the products and the crisp colors, creating something that is nearly impossible to turn down. All we need is some artwork to get started. We always prefer to work with vectored images, but sometimes we can “make do” with jpegs, so at least give it a shot. Let’s get some of these going! Go ahead and send some logos over to hello@upyourstandard.com

UMMM, speaking of TOP-NOTCH, that’d be our team of color inspired pop tarts ready to assist you with all those questions. We are dotting I’s and crossing T’s over here. YEP, rest easy knowing that your promos are being entered and inked with the utmost precision. Industry mishaps making you loopy? Give us a shout, we’ll hold hands and sing kumbaya with you. Plenty of pep-talks, and virtual high-fives to be had when you holler at hello@upyourstandard.com